• Aligned.

    It’s raining here on top of the 30 cms of snow and inch or so of ice we had, but it is plus 5 degrees out, so I thought I’d go for a bike ride. My father-in-law looked at me funny as I went out the door. The roads were slush on top of ice with some bare pavement spots in the middle and the rain on all the snow was producing a fog that put visibility in the very low category.

    I haven’t been on a bike in a while so it was just a spin for a bit, see where it goes. I went until I got tired – didn’t take long – and after a break for some gasping and swearing at my ill state of fitness I turned around and went back.

    I put studded snow tires on the Cross Check and this was the first run with them – wanted to try ’em out. I’m hoping to be able to do some more winter rides into work this year when I return. The roads will probably be clearer then, but it will be colder probably. I figure if Jill can do it, why can’t I?

    Felt much better back at the house. I’ve been meaning to get out for a spin on the new tires if anything just to say I could do it, and well, now I have.

    Riding a bike a few miles up the road will never cease to make all the difference in the world, regardless of the weather.

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