• Feels like the first time.

    First race down.

    In short, it was great. I finished like 21st I think in a field of around 33. I could have done better, I know it, were it not for a mechanical I had in the 1st lap. I think the most important thing is that for the most part I felt pretty good physically which means that the training tips my boy Nature has given me are great. I hope to stick to ’em even more for the rest of the series.

    The other great thing – and one of the main reasons I did this in the first place – was I met some really cool people. I saw RickyD – who I’d ridden with before – but was also able to meet Pete and Tom, guys I’ve conversed with on the web, but never met in person. Nice to put a face (as opposed to avatar) with the name. I also met a slew of cool folks who’s names I don’t know/never got. Bottom line, it’s a really great community of people and an outstanding event.

    Just wanted to let you all know. I’ll post up a more detailed report soon, it’s all good.

    On a side note, yesterday my new 15″ Macbook Pro arrived, courtesy of Mom and Dad. Thanks alot, it’s awesome.


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