Truck vs. Bike

At the beginning of this year, I was in need of a second vehicle. After weighing pros and cons and my needs, I decided on this:

It’s a 2007 Chevrolet Crew Cab Planet Killing Device.

I was torn between my desire to have a vehicle that suited my needs (hauling many childrens and a dog, drywall, topsoil, bikes, muddy dog) and my environmental conscience as well as my pocketbook. The Middle-East blowing up in such a timely fashion hasn’t helped with the latter.

I consoled myself with the fact that, really, I ride the bike to work 8-9 months out of the year, so this was primarily a low-milage, winter vehicle. Exceptions being during the year when I needed to haul something.

I also promised myself that each year I would try as much as possible to offset or exceed whatever CO2 the truck put out, with what I saved by riding the bike. FYI, every gallon of gas you burn pumps out 19.4 lbs. of CO2.

It’s my intent to document that here. I’m doing this as part of an online challenge I participated in last year, that in addition to promoting healthy living and environmental responsibility, also raises funds for various charities. You can find more info on The Clif Bar 2 Mile Challenge here. I encourage you to take part.

Now, bear in mind, we’re just coming out of winter here and I’ve driven the beast since Jan, so it’s a little lopsided right now, but for the sake of posterity this is where we stand to date:

Truck: 134.7 gallons US (510 litres) = 2, 613.18 lbs of CO2 EMITTED
Bike: 45miles = 41.4 lbs of CO2 SAVED


I’m workin’ on it.