• The Call

    That moment you get the call. You’ve spent a year meticulously building a website just as the client specified and after much hand-holding, launched it. You’ve prepared them for this moment, strategy, planning, meetings, storytelling. Then, watched – and in some cases aided, over the following year as they proposed and made updates and posted content that you  – at first politely, and then, vehemently, advised – was both detracting from their site, and simultaneously wrecking their credibility in their industry, yet they persisted. Then comes the radio silence. Then you hear that the Top Brass at your Client is not happy with ‘the direction of things’. A new ‘marketing person’ is hired at said company. Over beers with their friends, New Marketing Person ponders their options. One buddy pipes up – the one who is currently ‘between jobs’ and sleeping on New Marketing Person’s couch – and notes, “man, your website kinda sucks.” And it’s done. Inevitably, the call comes. “Yeah, hi, this is, uh, Mr. UpstartMarketingGuyLookingToMakeAnImpactFast down at Acme Widgets. Yeah, hi. Listen, we, uh, the work you’ve done has been great, and we’ll definitely be using you for some stuff in the future (b.s), but, uh, we’re having Gigantico Marketing Firm Inc build us a new website. Kthanksbai.” Sigh. 

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