• Womanized.

    I tell you what, I’m tired of women.

    I live with 4 of ’em and I work with 7.

    Well ok, 3 of the 4 I live with are ‘women-in-training’, but they already exhibit some behaviours of their full-grown counterparts.

    I’ve had the unique experience of working both sides of the coin. My old office was all dudes – 5 guys – one woman. Here it’s me and 7 women. I’ve seen it both ways. If I had to pick one, I’d go with the ‘all dude’ (keep your gay jokes and snickers to yourself or you’ll be sent to the principals office) scenario. Perhaps it’s a no-brainer it makes sense due to ‘comfort-level’ or ‘familiarity’, but I like to think I’ve tried to be objective – well, as objective as a guy in this situation can be.

    I’m not going to turn this into a ‘why one is better than the other’ arguement. There is – I think – no ‘better’. They are just different. Men and women interact differently, decision-make differently, manage stress differently both when dealing with members of the same sex and the opposite. There are exceptions to the rule in both genders, but en masse, certain behaviour and characteristics prevail in each.

    I’ll repeat again: there is no better. If you write and tell me I’m being sexist, you’re an idiot, so please, don’t waste our time.

    Time-wastage. Who’s a bigger waster of time, women or men? You ponder that. I like to think I have more insight than some on the matter, but I’m going to keep it to myself. I’m no expert, all I have is personal experience.

    So to sum up, I’ve had my fill of ’em – the women. I’m sure it will pass, and in a bit, I’ll be all back to ‘everybody playing nice’ again, but for now, bah.

    Oh, and tv. Sick to death of the goddamn tv. Another matter all together. It’s amazing how the more content is generated for it, the less value I see in it.

    Old geezer-itis again…now GET OFF MY LAWN you pesky kids!

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