An Autobiographical Photo Essay in 6 Frames.
After this morning’s indecision, I decided, all of the above. Take the Cross Check, to the @fredfarmmarket, via God-knows-where, and have a picnic. I present the following exhibits: 1. God knows where. 2. Scenic vista

3. God knows where, with mud. Glad I didn’t clean the bike. 4. Even the Trees know what’s up. Perfect gateway.

5. HERE BE DRAGONS. 6. Picnic. My fave Hungarian Salami from @elkesbbq, 2 dutch cheeses from @mulderscheeseand brown butter chocolate chip and triple chocolate cookies from @gagetownfruitfarm.

I also scored bonus points for a nice chat with @brianconoley and a fortuitous @fosterc92 sighting, the latter of which is sporting the best Sam Elliott/old school gold prospector mustache I have seen in a long time. Chapeau good sir!