Ancient Roman Roads Rendered as Modern Subway Maps

Roman Roads by Sasha Trubetskoy

From Open Culture:

It’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly why these appeal to me so much but in part it’s because:

  1. The graphic designer in me has always loved this style of transit maps and the application of something familiar to something so ancient seems cool.
  2. Order. There must be order, in all things.
  3. I’ve always loved maps. Perhaps for the reason outlined in #2.
  4. There is a large part of me that would love to pack a bike with food and camping gear and disappear on these for an undetermined amount of time.

I realize that according to some of the notes on the maps, many of these roads no longer exist or have been converted to modern roads – but in my mind – they’ll always be cobbled trails and dirt cart paths. Don’t ruin it for me.

Sun’s Out, Guns Out

In hindsight, probably should’ve covered the ‘guns’ a bit more.

Share the Road / Partager La Route

Got home today and the sun was shining, it was a balmy 4ºC and the roads were clear so I jumped at the chance to get out for a bike ride and let the cold air clear out my head.

One of the ‘guns’. The right one, to be precise.

When my buddy Andrew and I plan our bike rides – we don’t call ’em rides as much as adventures. There’s bike riding involved, but we always hope for – and usually find – something more. Did you break the bike and have to fix it with a zip tie and some tape? Did you crash? Did you get lost? See a rainbow? See some new wild animal? Find some gas station coffee even worse than the last? You’re adventuring. Inevitably, ‘bike rides’ are better when adventure happens.

Today’s adventure meant getting home with all my toes and fingers intact. In my exuberance to get out I underdressed a tad and things quickly went from Type 1 to Type 2, or maybe even 2.5, fun. I should know better. Made it though and great to get out in the open space vs. riding the trainer in the basement. I’ve been in a bit of a slump/funk for the last week or two with regards to keeping the mojo tank topped off and I feel like today set things right.

Adventure will always do that.

We Are Not the Thinkers of Our Thoughts

From a post over on, Tiny Private Mind Motions

“Every morning, when I screw the lid onto my steaming thermos of coffee, I think to myself, automatically, the phrase “heat capture.” I have no idea why. I’ve never used that phrase in any other context in my life. And yet I couldn’t stop it if I tried. After years of this, I finally mentioned it to my wife, who revealed a similar habit: Every night, when she shuts the bedroom blinds, she thinks to herself the ridiculous words, “Sleep Chamber: Complete.” She said she kind of hates it because it makes her feel as if she’s living in an episode of “Star Trek,” but she has no choice.”

Sam Anderson, New York Times

I have this kind of stuff happening all the time. Has for years. Glad I’m not the only one completely out of control of what happens to pop into my head at any given moment.

Of course, I can’t think of a specific example right now, even after a few minutes of trying because the Universe has a dark sense of humour.