Fredericton Bike Week

Nice to see the local municipal types partnering up with some interest groups and some retailers to put together Fredericton’s First Annual Bike Week (May 25 – June 2). More butts on bike seats is only a good thing. If you’re in/around Fredericton, get out on your bike – and then do it the next week, and the next…

If you’re not in/around Fredericton, well then you don’t even have to wait for Bike Week. Or make your own Bike Week. Or make every week Bike Week.

To the 5 Boroughs

For the most part any non-paved trails or trails in the woods are still snow-covered. The roads and shoulders are in terrible shape. Wet, crumbling, full of potholes. So we do ‘road’ bike rides on our mountain bikes this time of year. Doesn’t ruin your road bike, you don’t spend all your time fixing flats in skinny tires and, the most enjoyable benefit, when you find a big long, muddy dirt or gravel road, you can see where it goes.

My compatriot Mr. T. and I had a rough idea of a route to visit 5 neighborhoods local to us. Our ‘homage’ to the Beasties record, if you will, check it out.

Spring Snow

Northside Trail, Fredericton, NB, Canada

Bit of a late season spring snowstorm dumping about 10cm of snow on our neck of the woods today. That ‘spring snow’ that is very heavy and wet and clings to everything. Huge monster flakes that are hard to miss. Went out for a walk at lunch just because.

I find days like this tricky for cameras on phones. Snowy and overcast, the photos always end up with a lot of blue in them. I adjusted this one in Photoshop a bit, but it’s still not quite what it was like standing there.